Top Gulf Companies By Revenue

Revenue of over $5,000 million

The Crème de la Crème of Dhow Net‘s database of top Gulf companies by revenue have sales of over $5 billion. Their total number is relatively small compared to elsewhere and if you strip the list of the giant oil and petrochemical companies you end up with only some 40 corporations of significant size. Those are found in banking, telecommunications, real estate, retailing and investment.

Revenue from $1,000 million to $5,000 million

Our database of top Gulf companies by revenue also includes 270 organizations with sales in the range of $1 billion to $5 billion. This too is a relatively modest universe compared to the US or China where similar companies rank as ‘small’. The companies are a mix of public sector entities, private conglomerates, joint ventures, and subsidiaries of multinational corporations.

Revenue from $100 million to $1,000 million

The majority of top Gulf companies have revenues in the range of $100 million to $1 billion. Such companies wouldn’t rank as ‘major’ in a developed economy in Europe or Asia as the revenue range is relatively small, in spite of the large size of the Gulf market and the wealth of its population. There are about 1,300 such companies in our database of top Gulf companies by revenue.